Recipient: CO ICF "Dreamers UA"
Recipient code: 44768778
Recipient's account: UA803052990000026009035016234
Card number: 4246 0010 0336 4399
Name of the company: CO ICF "Dreamers UA"
IBAN Code: UA623052990000026000025030326
Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"
SWIFT code of the bank: PBANUA2X
Account in the correspondent bank: 001-1-000080
SWIFT code of the correspondent bank: CHASUS33
Correspondent bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank
Name of the company: CO ICF "Dreamers UA"
IBAN Code: UA193052990000026002005017895
Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"
SWIFT code of the bank: PBANUA2X
Account in the correspondent bank: 400886700401
SWIFT code of the correspondent bank: COBADEFF
Correspondent bank: Commerzbank AG
Name of the company: CO ICF "Dreamers UA"
IBAN Code: UA083052990000026003005023394
Name of the bank: JSC CB "PRIVATBANK"
SWIFT code of the bank: PBANUA2X
Account in the correspondent bank: PL13124000013140533111120301
SWIFT code of the correspondent bank: PKOPPLPW
Correspondent bank: Bank Pekao/Grupa Pekao S.A.